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cause the spaces
between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly ♥
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![]() Blogskins.com Account
Loves music...heals the soul Hates drama's, Is a Goofy Goober LOL Loves living in her daydreams Talks to herself Random-RIFIC most of the time
♥ And the journey continues :
Wishes My Loves
![]() . Julia+♥ . Tiffany+♥ . Jeswena+♥ . Rose+♥ . Vincent+♥ . Kristin+♥ . Eeyna+ . Heng Kit+ . Praveent+ . Julian.J+♥ . Cherry+ . Mazzie+ . Luch+♥ . Amanda+♥ . Villi+♥ . Yi Vonne+ . Hui Yee+♥ . Jules+ . Christine.L+ . Fara/Ming+ . Ian.Q+ . T.Sueen+ . Gordon+ . Denise.G+ . Larissa+ . Potential+ . Pui Yein+ . Rachel+ . Jeremy+ . Joon Wei+ . Kay Kay+ . Wai Kin+ . Nana+ . Sarah+ . Brenda+ . Melissa+ . Jasmine+ . Aliaa+ . Firdaus+ . Nadira.A+ . Adam.Rocker+ . Tsi Minn+ . Tsi Wey+ . Lionel+ . Thu Hoong+ . Cindy.H+ . Jovi+ . Jacqueline+ . Raine+ . Tara+ . Nicole+ . V.Gupta+ . Munkie5+ . GabxGab+ . Kyle Burns (FTSK)+ . Martin Johnson (BLG))+ |
![]() poetry,,,my mystery
been ages since i wrote poems i usually write songs and stuff but recently had no mood... but mood came back the other in class...was...kinda...feeling..love sick lol decided to write a poem.. it doesnt rhyme well...but..hey..nobody's perfect! this poem... kinda wrote it for my feeling towards the lil crush i have on... Tiff and Neeru helped here goes: The Mystery J J is so shy, J is not mine, J oh...why. J you make me sigh. J is in my eyes, J is on my mind, J is everywhere, J! Dont be scared! Sonia likes J, J doesnt know Sonia, Sonia wants to know J, J doesnt know what to do, Sonia bows to J, J smiles at Sonia. Sonia sees him during recess, J just sits there, Sonia likes to stare, J just glance. J,after all that rhyme, Dont you think its time, Im not Fenn,but that is why, Im more,sesuai !~ ~END~ i know i know..lame sikit Here's once that Tiff wrote for me! so sweet of her..~ her's pro..so its better lol! My Point Of View by:Tiffany From what I see, It is meant to be, As she was forgetting him, Everything was dimmed, But there he goes again, Like as if they were chained, There he goes making her nervous, Its already like they were lovers, They always look at each other, as their eyes met together, There is this chemistry, As she counts to thress, Everything seems unclear to her, Everything seems like a dream to her, She sees him,she wants him, She thinks of him,she needs him, He is all she wants, He is all she needs. *THE END* i wrote the poem cause... its what im feeling, but...i know that mystery J...dun really seem...interested... i kinda expected it... who wouldnt... Sonia has never had a relationship before..ever ONCE AGAIN! to: TIFF AND NEERU MATTHEW DOES NOT COUNT! lol well... i poured my feelings out to feel better... but i dun really see any good with me and him since... he likes another girl.. oh well.. you win some,you lose some. Long time havent heard this song: The beat of my heart by: Hilary Duff *P.S: i wrote a poem for my school mag... will post next week with my so-called-school post Labels: hilary duff, love poem, to the beat of my heart back to top? |
![]() another lame post
My cutie baby Monkey yes my cat's name is monkey cause.. it looks like a monkey and is super cheeky like a monkey! i tell you my cat is like owner like cat... loves to take pics... he kept meow-ing asking me to take pics... when i wanna keep my phone the meow-ing starts! lol gosh i love my cats...and doggies! animals are ♥ kittens no names yet... still thinking!~ look like twin kitties! ntg better to do! i syok sendiri.. so dun mind me~ This week... not much to update about... normal week... This sunday goin to subang parade's Eden for librarian high-tea. theme: TWINS so bringing Vanna as my twin since she has no other twin next week... mtv asia week.. goin genting with/without tix.. gonna stalk panic at the disco lol! 24 aug at subang parade Choir competition SMK USJ 13 student.. come support us k k~ other than that.... um... not much la... i wanted to do a post bout school... but i lent christine my thumbdrive which has the pics i needed to do the post.. so probably doing it next week for now.. ending my post ntg much to blog bout... doing a new post bout petry till the next time bb Labels: cats back to top? |
Got this from a guy called GabxGabc(in my link) meet him at youtube..his videos are friggin awesome! especially this one: 8 NEW MALAYSIAN TERMS. Labels: 8 new, gabxgab, malaysian, terms back to top? |
![]() Wicked hairstyles!
check out these hairstyles man..its totally 'WILD' got it from my email damn cun! ![]() Labels: cool hair styles back to top? |
![]() split screen sadness
*really addicted to this song. i think the one thats playing now is the accoustic
Labels: john mayer, split screen sadness back to top? |
![]() spacing out
*Tiff did this bookmark for me... haha i really think its cuteeeee! Thanks TIFFY!~ she's really talented at doin handcraft stuff...or either... she has too much darn time on her hands...lol! 2day is like any other..saturdays... but nice weather... did some studying...then the weather made me feel so comfy that i fell asleep halfway...lol actually 2day planned to go for interact's IU day..at skool... cause me and Tiff thought Jeswena was goin...but she wasnt so we...didint go... sorry guys! Jes ended up goin to Tiff's hse instead... but its such a sad day too... my mum... sigh... sadly... dont let me go for... PANIC AT THE DISCO's concert! sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I KNOW! sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! she says cause its SPM year not honeymoon year...cause its on a freaking Tuesday...cause the tix is expensive...(it isnt really...only RM68!) MUMMY!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY you know i love their music and RYAN ROSS!!!!!! SOB i cried till i looked like i had some allergic reaction... eyes puffy..nose big...red eyes ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! GOD!I REALLY HOPE I CAN AT LEAST SEE PANIC AT THE THE DISCO AT THE MTV ASIA AWARDS! that'll be better...! sob... tension! oh and haha... my mum bought me a new high heel (i paid half lol)...haha cause she hates to see me wearing shoes.... she wants me 2 learn how to walk... haha i actually noe how 2 walk with heels... just that...shoes....more comfy! srsly rite! my mum's like this wan la...lol she marah2 but after that...ok..i think she feels guilty... lol oh well... i know i sound happy even after i know i cant watch PANIC AT THE DISCO but....what to do.... thats why i need 2 study hard and show my mum that i am a 'something'... then i go overseas.. then can watch PANIC AT THE DISCO anytime! sigh... Dear, SPM... i hate you.i really do.why must you exist. Labels: heels, panic at the disco back to top? |
![]() fringe
A post just for my fringe! i decided to comb down my fringe...and damn...its so loooong edi...! lol random-ness... thats meeeeeeeeeeeeee!~ back to top? |
![]() Miley Cyrus-7 things
Miley Cyrus- 7 things her latest music video... i actually quite like this song and the video...only... i think they shouldn't have used such young girls in the video... girls that young shouldnt be crying hard for a guy... its kinda sending out the wrong msg...in my opinion... but...i still like it!~
OK... so watched it edi... here's another one but someone made a spoof of it.. haha its really funny... for all u guys... for all u girls...
Labels: 7 things, miley cyrus, spoof back to top? |
![]() more picture spam!
Do you believe in heaven now? tat day..i tell u! been ages since i've seen the sky so...perfect...! i love perfect blue,puffy clouds day!~
Ok this weeeeeek.... ahhhh!~ busy giler man... homework piling up...brain cramp...stress....love confussion....bla bla bla man... and to top it off... annoyance from.... dun wanna mention names...cause trouble oni... anyways.... im proud of myself for finshing a: 300-500 word essay on smoking for english... but i dun think i did well lol.. i had no semangat to do man...i had the 'writer's block' but i manged to pull through and do.. discipline u noe! (also thnks 2 john mayer's lovely music) CHOIR! so we already finally...roughly got our parts down singing a malay song...quite nice....quite famous actually.. we'll be performing at SUBANG PARADE this month... scuryyyyyyyy! and wat else... oh ya... bought the Wii nitendo game thingy... its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun.. and love my dad for getting me gutar hero.... super addictive... but i can only play 3 buttons sadly...noob ma! wat else... hurm... oh u do noe by now im dying 2 attend the MTV ASIA AWRDS... hitz.fm was givin tix 4 the mosh pit... 2day...me and tiff tried... guess wat... Tiff got through.. Tiff:YAY! hitz.fm:So how old are u? Tiff:17 hitz.fm:Sorry only 18 and above... =.=' wat the Fmailto:F@!#$%@!#$!@#$%@#$%K ISH...im so freaking pissed... this is unexceptable! FYI:I STILL HV NO TIX! and plus..Panic At The Disco tix on slae... but i cant book cause my mum dun let me go! =.=" so gonna: convince/beg/pleed/cry/ask... again!~ *fingers crossed* what else... oh bout the lil minor crush i have... haha... i tried getting over him... cause he seem to like another girl...so deeply... so i was like... sigh... might as well not watse my time and energy... but...sigh cant stop thinkin bout him... i dont love him...i just like ok! lol im missing my cousin Julia... srsly... i hate sms-ing her...its not as fun as hanging with her... haha... thank god i have a great cousin and great fun friends.. wooooot!~ 2day... Tiff came over to play my Wii and guitar hero.. ROFL... thats all i can say... we also went to Neeru's hse.. once again.. ROFL! k im done now... oh and wondering why i have loads of pics? cause im only allowed on9 on fri and sat... so all compiled lol!~ k den tats all ciao!~ *photography with Farah and Tiff by phone last week!~ Labels: art photos, guitar hero, wii back to top? |