cause the spaces
between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly ♥

oh darling i wish you were here
west coast friendship

♥ you live, you learn. (: Account
Soni-ARGH! Says Hi.

Loves music...heals the soul
Hates drama's,
Is a Goofy Goober LOL
Loves living in her daydreams
Talks to herself
Random-RIFIC most of the time

♥ And the journey continues :
I started this blog when I was in high school. I shall keep it alive for me to see how much I have grown as an individual and to show me that when everything seems to fall apart, it just means its an opportunity to be stronger. Now, I am officially a law graduate with opportunities waiting for me, I shall give it my best and when I need to write, at least I know, this place is still here for me.

I ♥ Owl City =)


  • Pass my A-Levels
  • I created a list before, but it seems I did most of it, so, my new list? just basically gonna make more up as I go on in life and accomplish it so long as it makes me happy!
    My Loves

  • *my family
  • *my friends
  • *music/photography/singing/ dancing
  • *talking and laughing and crying
  • *having a"creative itch"
  • *bein weird/silly/funny/cute/emo/rock-ish
  • *anything thats shiny..glitter are a fav
  • *popping bubble wrap

  • My Fireflies

    . Julia+
    . Tiffany+
    . Jeswena+
    . Rose+
    . Vincent+
    . Kristin+
    . Eeyna+
    . Heng Kit+
    . Praveent+
    . Julian.J+
    . Cherry+
    . Mazzie+
    . Luch+
    . Amanda+
    . Villi+
    . Yi Vonne+
    . Hui Yee+
    . Jules+
    . Christine.L+
    . Fara/Ming+
    . Ian.Q+
    . T.Sueen+
    . Gordon+
    . Denise.G+
    . Larissa+
    . Potential+
    . Pui Yein+
    . Rachel+
    . Jeremy+
    . Joon Wei+
    . Kay Kay+
    . Wai Kin+
    . Nana+
    . Sarah+
    . Brenda+
    . Melissa+
    . Jasmine+
    . Aliaa+
    . Firdaus+
    . Nadira.A+
    . Adam.Rocker+
    . Tsi Minn+
    . Tsi Wey+
    . Lionel+
    . Thu Hoong+
    . Cindy.H+
    . Jovi+
    . Jacqueline+
    . Raine+
    . Tara+
    . Nicole+
    . V.Gupta+
    . Munkie5+
    . GabxGab+
    . Kyle Burns (FTSK)+
    . Martin Johnson (BLG))+

    Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 2:41 AM
    im so lifeless at times

    ok so today!
    a miracle happened!

    the guy who only wears 3 colours of t shirt to college...
    FINALLY broke his colour range

    he wore...


    yes you heard me...


    i was damn shocked!
    so was everyone

    during breaktime...

    geez, go get a room

    me and KITTY :D

    she potrays KFC's tagline
    "its finger lickin' good"


    this morning my mum checked the mail box and pulled out a letter for me from MTV
    i staright away opened it expecting what the contents were

    its 4 tix to the MTV WORLDSTAGE tomorrow

    damn last minute right!
    i won them from the MTV online competition

    so, yes,
    free tix and fun day out while losing my voice and getting squashed here and there by sweaty people,
    plus getting to see my long awaited bands perform...

    Not A Bad Deal


    i called Tiff up,
    wanted to talk...and get excited bout the MTV WORLDSTAGE

    so while talking i kept camwhoring

    Tiff, now you know what the "click" sounds are

    LMAO at my face man!

    HAHAHA she kept asking me what i was doing, and whats going on,

    she kinda figured out i was camwhoring
    as usuall...

    but i kept you can see from my face

    it was hilarious


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    Lights Sing Me Sweet I Never Knew The Art Of Making Love if no one believes, why should i? Random BOOYAH! PRINT SCREEN you know you're in love when you cant fall asleep ... a love story on the rooftop Cousin RENDEVOUS perfection is a misconception