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cause the spaces
between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly ♥
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![]() Blogskins.com Account
Loves music...heals the soul Hates drama's, Is a Goofy Goober LOL Loves living in her daydreams Talks to herself Random-RIFIC most of the time
♥ And the journey continues :
Wishes My Loves
![]() . Julia+♥ . Tiffany+♥ . Jeswena+♥ . Rose+♥ . Vincent+♥ . Kristin+♥ . Eeyna+ . Heng Kit+ . Praveent+ . Julian.J+♥ . Cherry+ . Mazzie+ . Luch+♥ . Amanda+♥ . Villi+♥ . Yi Vonne+ . Hui Yee+♥ . Jules+ . Christine.L+ . Fara/Ming+ . Ian.Q+ . T.Sueen+ . Gordon+ . Denise.G+ . Larissa+ . Potential+ . Pui Yein+ . Rachel+ . Jeremy+ . Joon Wei+ . Kay Kay+ . Wai Kin+ . Nana+ . Sarah+ . Brenda+ . Melissa+ . Jasmine+ . Aliaa+ . Firdaus+ . Nadira.A+ . Adam.Rocker+ . Tsi Minn+ . Tsi Wey+ . Lionel+ . Thu Hoong+ . Cindy.H+ . Jovi+ . Jacqueline+ . Raine+ . Tara+ . Nicole+ . V.Gupta+ . Munkie5+ . GabxGab+ . Kyle Burns (FTSK)+ . Martin Johnson (BLG))+ |
![]() Crystal Chandelliar's Hang
i went to college today, looking like that. yes. as usual, more stares. some were ok ya know, like they stared in admiration and some just shocked. i was at the train station and there was this one lady, in her mid 20's. you'd expect her to be fine with my trend and all. but, no. as soon as i sat down. she turned her whole body towards me. and stared. yes im serious. she did that. wtf. she whispered something to her friend, pretending to talk bout something else, as though i dont notice her. i was so annoyed. i wanted to just RAWR at her and scare her off. i gave a an evil long stare back instead. she looked away. i kinda miss my old hair. sigh, it was longer and, nicer >< i guess i've not gotten used to my new hair yet. I washed my hair today. and some pink colour from my hair was coming out. My stylist warned me, it'll only last for a few weeks :( oh well. Some random pics from college today The Crazy 4 People ... My college friend was sooo hilarious today i had to write about her. Her name's Kitty. She's got the looks and the brains. She's like, really smart. We decided to do some extra studyin today. And she was teaching me and my other friend. Kitty explains well, and i mean it. lmao She has the most serious face on, and her hands start flying here and there lol We were doin Law Studies btw, so yea, it was more intense, i got some pics. and got scolded for that :( she wanted me to concentrate :p i get distracted easily. and one of my distractions. IT RAINED TODAY! finally.....and it lasted more than a few seconds! yeaaaaa....i smiled all the way to the next class. The view from my college while it rains. <3 Labels: asia brickfields college, emo scene hair back to top? |