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cause the spaces
between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly ♥
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![]() Blogskins.com Account
Loves music...heals the soul Hates drama's, Is a Goofy Goober LOL Loves living in her daydreams Talks to herself Random-RIFIC most of the time
♥ And the journey continues :
Wishes My Loves
![]() . Julia+♥ . Tiffany+♥ . Jeswena+♥ . Rose+♥ . Vincent+♥ . Kristin+♥ . Eeyna+ . Heng Kit+ . Praveent+ . Julian.J+♥ . Cherry+ . Mazzie+ . Luch+♥ . Amanda+♥ . Villi+♥ . Yi Vonne+ . Hui Yee+♥ . Jules+ . Christine.L+ . Fara/Ming+ . Ian.Q+ . T.Sueen+ . Gordon+ . Denise.G+ . Larissa+ . Potential+ . Pui Yein+ . Rachel+ . Jeremy+ . Joon Wei+ . Kay Kay+ . Wai Kin+ . Nana+ . Sarah+ . Brenda+ . Melissa+ . Jasmine+ . Aliaa+ . Firdaus+ . Nadira.A+ . Adam.Rocker+ . Tsi Minn+ . Tsi Wey+ . Lionel+ . Thu Hoong+ . Cindy.H+ . Jovi+ . Jacqueline+ . Raine+ . Tara+ . Nicole+ . V.Gupta+ . Munkie5+ . GabxGab+ . Kyle Burns (FTSK)+ . Martin Johnson (BLG))+ |
![]() a reincarnation of life
as u can see my skin changed n i hv a cbox..lol.. aiya but not i do wan..lol..Tiff did it.. THANK YOU TIFFANY LOH YEN MAY!~ i told her now i'll try it myself since she has everythin in there i can see how she did it..lol.. see i can learn new things everyday..lol and Tiff did another drawing for me..THNKS!~ she did a drawing for me the other day cause she knows im so emo since the begining of jan..so she really cheered me up by puttin her time n effort in doin the drawin thing for me..lol..means alot 2 me Tiff..thnks.. i pulak..super nice oso..i balas balik the art she did..i did one for her cause she was emo 2..lol...den she did one 4 me yester5day again n gave it 2 me 2day..lol..i'll take pics of it soon..n i told her i'll reply another one 2 her..lol...den we wanna see by end of the year how many we manage to do.. lol crazy ppl with so much time on their hands! lol...PFT!~ art students!lol ok 2day in skool was the probates interview for librarians n mua was one of the judge..i tell u was super funny with Hong Zhang n Xin Chieh..they were the best actors 4 scaring juniors....i heard a form 1 girl cried..aiyak! but srsly 2day was so so funny! i ciao-ed at bout 2pm cause my mum wanna bring me go shoppin at the new mall at Bukit Tinggi..i love that mall for shoppin..bought a baby doll dress that im so adoring!and other stuff la...lol....i really am happy with my new...beautiful....FEDORA HAT! ahhh!~ i was craving that for so long...and i found it..and it was only RM29.90!lol... i bet Kristin must be like...NOOOOOO!~ lol now u noe why i love Bukit Tinggi...lol... 2morrow will be goin 2 Sunway for the Quicksilver concert...Farah sold me the tix...will be goin with Tiff n her bf..maybe Jessweena's goin..i love that chcik..i can be all whoopsy daisy with her...maybe hui yee's goin 2...im not sure..we'll see hu we bump into 2morrow... Tiff says wanna watch the thai horror movie... 0_0" i hate horror flix la! maybe i'll convince her 2 watch sumthin else..lol..see 1st..lol.. im curious bout horror flix 2... lol oh and my ry-me-like.blogspot.com got updated by you-know-who.. its just so weird tat she's been observing me...ahh..! i cant believe she's still so mad at me..wat i did 2 her must be really bad... well its both ways.. wat she did 2 me was equally worse but im civilised so i noe how 2 live in the future... she has such a great life now..and she cant live tat without makin enemies?? i envy her in my earlier post i said i cant stand the annoying sounds and glares..somethin like dat... she claims im talkin bout her.. i've put all that probs behind me sue anne..why shud i talk bout u.... i've learnt my lesson... argh!Tiff..i need another drawing lol..! see Tiff..i told u it'll never end..even when i try 2 lead a better life..someone will never stop. sigh. k ending here.. i guess that sue anne might see my post again.. cause of her other eyes hu see..then report 2 boss.. n then she's gonna update in ry-me-like.blogspot.com..again.. lol..i didnt noe she took so much interest in my life... this is just never gonna end..even after i try 2 end it... dear time, pass by faster la! love,sonia! k now.. wanna try 2 change my layout.. not that i dun like this wan..i love it.. but my com is movin fats now so i can load stuff faster.. n i can learn...lol thnks again Tiff..n thnks kristin 4 bein 2nd in my cbox! lol! EDITED::sue anne replied at my ry-me-like.blogspot.com cbox..read it then u noe..she says she misses my F1&F2 old self.. all i gotta say is.. i think i became better than that old self.. and im proud of it... hope it remains.. Labels: cny, lagoon, layout, school back to top? |